I've lived in Vermont since 1997 and I've been helping people learn to use computers at a Drop-In Time at the local tech center or library for the past twenty years. I have a Masters in Librarianship, my main interest area is the intersection of technology and civic engagement. I believe the digital divide is just one more symptom of an increasing distance between haves and have-nots in the United States.
I speak and write frequently on these and related issues. My professional website is jessamyn.info. My professional blog is at librarian.net and my personal blog is at jessamyn.com/journal. I maintain book and movie lists.
I am an elected Justice of the Peace in my town, Randolph, Vermont. I am a big fan of civics generally. I maintain presences on Facebook, Instagram and Flickr. I used to have older, more narrative, About pages that I'd change every so often: 2015, 2007, 2003, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998 & 1997.
When I'm not online I am often baking squash, creating moss terrariums, or writing postcards.