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![[my inspiration, for starters]](20pix/20insp.jpg) |
- we have always lived in the castle/shirley jackson/st j athenaeum
- the illustrated encyclopedia of animal life/st j again
- field book of insects/frank lutz/blake memorial library
- thrills of a naturalists quest/ditmars/shoreline community college
library, WA
- gypsies in the city/rena gropper/library unknown
- info please almanac/dan golenpaul/ shoreline cc library WA
- book unknown/westview school/location unknown
- the illustrated encyclopedia of animal life: fishes/ st j
- VL.h586c book unknown/library unknown
- an introduction to nature/john kieran/blake memorial library
- ivan sanderson's book of great jungles/ivan sanderson/library unknown
- book unknown/east new york vocational high school library
- "withdrawn"/book unknown/library unknown
- book unknown/westview school, location unknown [2]
- the nazi olympics/richard mandell/shoreline cc library
- james boggs/revolution and evolution in the twntieth century/library
witchcraft, magic & alchemy/emile angelo/seattle public schools
- l'ile percee/clarke/city library, springfield MA
- california/warren beck/library unknown
- discovery of america/fiske/city library, springfield MA