each little book got a
different poem. here is a list of all of them.
they are by richard
brautigan. the book is called rommel drives on deep ento egypt
she tries to get things out of men all girls
All girls should have a poem shellfish
always spend a penny just an ordinary girl, 118
just an ordinary girl, 118 please
Do you think of me we stopped at perfect days
we stopped at perfect days nice ass
There is so much lost the history of bolivia
"Butch didn't die in Bolivia. he came cannibal carpenter
He wants to build you a house Diet
Pretty: except for the Lemon Lard
Lemon Lard: with your old snowshoes |
Three sheep in a field jules verne zucchini
Men are walking on the moon today, romeo and juliet
If you will die for me,
and our graves will
If you will bring the soap, Rommel Drives on Deep Into Egypt
San Francisco Chronicle Headline
Rommel is dead. -2
Everybody wants to go to bed donner party
Forsaken, fucking in the cold, you'll have to buy some more chairs
if you love a statue start a mirror. hinged to forgetfulness like a door
hinged to forgetfulness like a door, just because
just because people love your mind, |