map with town names] [make your own
7 towns to go!
friendly acquaintance
passing glimpse
not yet
* lived/worked there
- Addison
- Albany
- Alburg
- Andover
- Arlington
- Athens
- Averill
- Bakersfield
- Baltimore
- Barnard
- Barnet
- Barre City *
- Barre Town
- Barton
- Belvidere
- Bennington
- Benson
- Berkshire
- Berlin
- Bethel *
- Bloomfield
- Bolton
- Bradford
- Braintree
- Brandon
- Brattleboro
- Bridgewater
- Bridport
- Brighton
- Bristol
- Brookfield
- Brookline
- Brownington
- Brunswick
- Burke
- Burlington
- Cabot
- Calais
- Cambridge
- Canaan
- Castleton
- Cavendish
- Charleston
- Charlotte
- Chelsea *
- Chester
- Chittenden
- Clarendon
- Colchester
- Concord
- Corinth
- Cornwall
- Coventry
- Craftsbury
- Danby
- Danville
- Derby
- Dorset
- Dover
- Dummerston
- Duxbury
- East Haven
- East Montpelier
- Eden
- Elmore
- Enosburg
- Essex
- Fairfax
- Fairfield
- Fair Haven
- Fairlee
- Fayston
- Ferdinand
- Ferrisburgh
- Fletcher
- Franklin
- Georgia
- Glastenbury
- Glover
- Goshen
- Grafton
- Granby
- Grand Isle
- Granville
- Greensboro
- Groton
- Guildhall
- Guilford
- Halifax
- Hancock
- Hardwick
- Hartford
- Hartland
- Highgate
- Hinesburg
- Holland
- Hubbardton
- Huntington
- Hyde Park
- Ira *
- Irasburg
- Isle La Motte
- Jamaica
- Jay
- Jericho
- Johnson
- Killington
- Kirby
- Landgrove
- Leicester
- Lemington
- Lewis
- Lincoln
- Londonderry
- Lowell
- Ludlow
- Lunenburg
- Lyndon
- Maidstone
- Manchester
- Marlboro
- Marshfield
- Mendon
- Middlebury
- Middlesex
- Middletown Spgs
- Milton
- Monkton
- Montgomery
- Montpelier *
- Moretown
- Morgan
- Morristown
- Mount Holly
- Mount Tabor
- Newark
- Newbury
- Newfane
- New Haven
- Newport City
- Newport Town
- Northfield
- North Hero
- Norton
- Norwich
- Orange
- Orwell
- Panton
- Pawlet
- Peacham
- Peru
- Pittsfield
- Pittsford
- Plainfield
- Plymouth
- Pomfret
- Poultney
- Pownal
- Proctor
- Putney
- Randolph *
- Reading
- Readsboro
- Richford
- Richmond
- Ripton
- Rochester
- Rockingham
- Roxbury *
- Royalton *
- Rupert
- Rutland City *
- Rutland Town
- Ryegate
- St. Albans City
- St. Albans Town
- St. George
- St. Johnsbury
- Salisbury
- Sandgate
- Searsburg
- Shaftsbury
- Sharon *
- Sheffield
- Shelburne
- Sheldon
- Shoreham
- Shrewsbury
- Somerset
- S. Burlington
- South Hero
- Springfield
- Stamford
- Stannard
- Starksboro
- Stockbridge
- Stowe
- Strafford
- Stratton
- Sudbury
- Sunderland
- Sutton
- Swanton
- Thetford
- Tinmouth *
- Topsham *
- Townshend
- Troy
- Tunbridge *
- Underhill
- Vergennes
- Vernon
- Vershire
- Victory
- Waitsfield
- Walden
- Wallingford
- Waltham
- Wardsboro
- Warren
- Washington *
- Waterbury
- Waterford
- Waterville
- Weathersfield
- Wells
- West Fairlee
- Westfield
- Westford
- West Haven
- Westminster
- Westmore
- Weston
- West Rutland
- West Windsor
- Weybridge
- Wheelock
- Whiting
- Whitingham
- Williamstown
- Williston
- Wilmington
- Windham
- Windsor
- Winhall
- Winooski
- Wolcott
- Woodbury
- Woodford
- Woodstock
- Worcester