I met my across-the-alley neigbor today. His name is Tyler and he sounds like he's from the bayou. He is missing one of his front teeth and shook my hand like he was sleepwalking. He said he went to a party at the Odd Fellows Hall about seven years ago and it was a real blowout.
In other meetings today I met the young adult librarian at the Ballard Branch of SPL when I was at the Grand Opening of the Ballard Family Center. His name is Nick and he's from the panhandle and we talked about how lame censorship and filtering software is. He was wearing a tie but I liked him anyhow. I invited both these guys to my party which is tomorrow.
![]() had no beer & two coffees ate nothing [so far] showed 3 old men how to use computers paid bills got my thermostat fixed was talkative and loud talked to mostly girls got up early | ![]() had two beers and one coffee ate beans and rice shot pool incurred expenses went to the Sub Zero was loud and talkative talked to mostly boys stayed up late |
Okay, I'm back among the living, awakeness-wise. I don't know what caused my
sleepiness or what is causing my awkeness, but I'm happier being awake. This
weekend I went to see a movie at the 911
Media Arts Center called The Rainbow Man/John 3:16 about the
guy with
the rainbow wig who became a celebrity for almost no reason at all and
now in
jail serving three life sentences. It was shown with Andre the Giant Has
a Posse which tells what all those
stickers are about.
To celebrate my newfound awakeness, I have plans this week. They go like this:
From the mailbag: "January. Pesky, energy-sucking, gray, rainy,
January. If you don't feel better tomorrow, just blame it on January."
I can't wake up. It's been days now and I walk around in a somnabulent stupor. It's like all the features of the muzzyheadedness you get with a headcold without the headcold itself. I'm wondering if the Odd Fellows Hall has an invisible radon gas leak or maybe it's all the carbon monoxide that comes in my alley-facing street-level window. Maybe I don't get enough iron. Maybe I just have a bad attitude and should get over it. Maybe it's parasites. Maybe it's not.
Between Jack and I, we won six tickets to Pomade last night. I had the intelligence to invite my dashing pal Sean who actually knows how to swing dance. He was benevolent enough to teach me a few steps and didn't seem to mind that I kept stepping on his feet. Line of the night: "Jessamyn, you're just not very good at following."
I have found something my cat will play with. It is a rope. When we play, it actually looks as if I am trying to lasso her.
I've made a new page containing every job I've ever gotten paid for. My list looks interesting to me, but I'm sure everyone's does. I'm also sure I'm forgetting one or two jobs here and there. Coming soon, a list of all the cars [and trucks] I've ever had...
My Dad is still in town and I haven't been home much. My cat is
starting to give me the "who are you?" look. This is a picture I took with
my new camera. I think it looks pretty swifty. It is retouched, do you think
you can tell?
Tomorrow my Dad goes back to the Boat Show without me and then Tuesday he goes home. We saw Good Will Hunting at the octoplex downtown which is a good movie to see with one's Dad. Here is a list of things I have done with my Dad:
You can
really tell how much I love my
dad because I spent nearly three hours at the boat show with him today. It was
more interesting than I thought it would be. One thing I dig about Seattle
is that even at these trade shows, folks don't try to give you the hard
sell. Being from New England, it's weird to me how little everyone hassles
So, it was painless. I learned a bit about sailing simulator software
and my dad bought a calendar & got some information about inflatable
dinghies. Then we went to Bellevue Square [my dad had some weird
fascination with seeing the suburbs] and I got a digital camera.
Keep watching this space for new color pictures of me and my cat!
So I arrived back in Seattle safely and soundly only to find that in my
absence the furnace had broken. This meant no heat. Fortunately, P/Zesto has
a lot of fur. I can not say as much for the barber, who was pissed. Jack
[the caretaker to the caretakers] had dealt with everything adequately, but
I arrived home to an icebox [hence the igloo, and you know, the Eskimos
don't really have
hundreds of words
for snow, and they don't much like
being called Eskimos
By the time I left New Orleans it was raining like crazy hell so I was happy to get back to the moderate mist of Seattle. By now, the furnace is fixed, and in a special midweek edition of guess what woke me up this week? the answer is: the electrician [from Blitz Electric], who came by at 7:15 this morning and started banging on my door to be let in [he couldn't get his key to work, I said he'd probably have more luck if he waited until it was light out]. When I suggested that in the future he'd be better off coming by later in the day he said "oh, do you work nights or something?"
Still at ALA. Yesterday I ate at the Country Flame and had yellow rice, a taco and a loaded baked potato [and a Coke] for $6. They were selling beer for $2.50 for 32 ounces. Some of the locals had a difficult time getting their head around the fact that I pay $3 for a pint of microbrew back in Seattle. I've also been to the Cafe Du Monde twice now but have yet to find a place with a Scrabble board. Does it seem like my trip to New Orleans just might be more about food than libraries?
Still at ALA. Ate lunch at Mother's and found it was as good as people told me it would be. Last night I walked by a guy in the park with a 12 foot telescope that, for a donation, you could look through and peek at the moon. There's a ferry that crosses the Mississippi River that you can take out and back for free which is a welcome respite from the rest of the Waterfront area [it's called Riverwalk but most of the walk by the river takes place in a giant mall with no windows]. Last night I ate at the Clover Grill where I got a burger cooked under a hubcap. Their menu said "if your order takes more than five minutes, relax you're not in New York"
I'm at the ALA conference at an Internet Cafe sponsored by Canon in the Convention Center. I have watched jugglers, seen too many product demos, made jokes about floral print dresses and cat pins, compared free loot and gone to a SRRT meeting where we decided our budget was a disaster. I don't think I have another meeting until Monday. I think I am the only librarian here who actually took a city bus from the airport, except for the other freaky librarian who was at the stop with me [see the link, how tough can it be?]. I am staying with the Internet Public Library people, they are cool. Big surprise that I get along well with a bunch of well-meaning overworked volunteers, huh?
I pissed away my free day playing with the cat, going to an Odd Fellows Building Committee meeting and winning free tickets to Southern Culture on the Skids which I then went to go see at the Showbox. Whoooeee! Great show!
Funny that I should have been writing about time lately... Due to a complete misconception of time [my own] I now have 24 free hours tomorrow to do with as I please. It happened like this: I keep my own calendar on my white board at home [I am not now, nor have I ever been a corporate exec, but I did used to teach test prep and I got a free old white board out of it]. I wrote my week thusly:
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
instead of the more correct:
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
[do you have any idea how much HTML it takes just to do those two lines...?]
I am going to New Orleans in three days.
If there are any librarians going to ALA who would like to
out and drink coffee let me know.
If there is anyone who is going who would like to let me sleep on their
couch or floor, also let me
know. I hear it's 74 degrees and sunny in New Orleans, which is okay
with me. I have finally gotten over my chronic overpacking
and should be able to just carry a few things with me. I hear the hostel in
fairly nice, but I'm conflicted about paying a whole bunch just for lodging
which I never take full advantage of anyhow [don't read the bibles, don't
steal the towels, don't use the coat hangers, shampoo or shower cap
and rarely watch the TV]. Besides, I'd like to spend all my available cash
on food.
As soon as I get back, my Dad is coming to town. He's newly retired. He just bought a new red pickup truck. Coincidence?
This just in: the person who has the email address spaz@microsoft.com is really named Sanya Paz. Lucky her.
I was coming home last night, the clock on Market Street said 12:90. Part
of the clock is broken and it occasionally flashes weird times like that. My
favorite is 12:99, but I wasn't going to stand in the rain for nine minutes
just to check it out. I have a clock in my house that says the wrong time.
When I had to lend the Northwest Bears an extention cord, I had to unplug my
VCR. When I plugged it back in, it blinked 12:00 a lot. So? I know
how to change it, I just don't feel like it. Anyhow, it annoyed a
houseguest of mine enough that he just started the clock going. So
now it tells relative time. I can tell how much time elapsed, but
not what time it is [unless I do some subtraction which I'm not too
good at]. Even a stopped clock would tell the correct time twice a
Well, my New
Year's Resolution last year was to keep this
journal up. Yesterday. I played Resolution Roulette at my omlette brunch and got a resolution not to make any
resolutions. Fine with me.
This is a picture of me and my cat, P/Zesto. If she ever gets her
own web page, please come to my house and wrest
mouse from my grasp. Ths picture was taken at 7 am which is an hour I
normally do not diplomatically recognize in my Odd Micronation
but that's when she's up and she's behind
the couch so much lately that I take
what I can get. She prefers not to be photographed [big surprise], hence the
blurriness. I'm not trying to look extra-sincere in this photo, I'm just