Oh great, a travelogue. I guess the web has become the next "wanna see my slide show" train wreck of vacation detritus.
I took very few pictures on my trip to Alaska and with a few exceptions, have very little to recount. I sent a lot of postcards
which, when combined, sum up what I did on my Alaska vacation. But, I keep going to bed thinking "Gee, I should really write that down"
about something or other, and then I go to sleep and dream about getting back to work and having 5,000 email messages
in my inbox and I know I won't even have time to answer email, much less put up some photos.
So, it's the second to last day of the trip, I'm 37 hours outside of Bellingham and we just set off from Ketchikan which is the last time
the ferry will be docked until I get home. Dinner isn't for another hour, the sun set an hour ago, and they're showing the Wizard of Oz in the
children's lounge, I guess it's a good time to tell some stories, and make some lists.
the boat
the trip
xtra pics
Ketchikan - 8 hrs
Wrangell - 1 hr
Petersburg - 1 hr
Juneau - 2 hrs
Haines - 1 hr
Skagway - 1 hr
Haines - 1 hr
Sitka - 2 hrs
Petersburg - 1 hr
Wrangell - 1 hr
Ketchikan - 5 hrs